
Future of AI in Tech Hiring: The Good, Bad, and the Scary

Artificial intelligence has the promise to become a handy tool, but could it take over the world?

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Jun 20, 2024


In 1922, Sarah Bushnell published a biography of Henry Ford in which she included a quote from Horace Rackham. He said about the “fad” of the automobile: “The horse is here to stay, but the automobile is just a novelty.” Now look around – it’s a spectacle to see a police officer trot by on a horse because the animal has been completely replaced by cars on American roads.

But have cars taken over the world? Was this a fear that some people had at the time? Was his quote simply a coping mechanism to handle the progression of the automobile? Cars have not taken over the world. People use them as a tool to get from baseball practice to class to work and to grandma’s house but it’s not as if people are constrained to their vehicles and controlled by them.

Artificial intelligence, whether it becomes as prevalent as the automobile or not, is a futuristic notion of the same idea: it has the promise to become a handy tool, but could it take over the world? Could we be living in a real version of the movie “The Terminator”? Probably not. Sure, it’s easy for tech-savvy folks to imagine an AI system that actually works like magic. But creating one? That’s a whole different ball game.

Take “Silicon Valley,” for instance. The writers, aiming for comedy, let human frailty lead to hilariously bad decisions. So, why not imagine a brilliant tech team accidentally creating an unstoppable AI-hacking operating system with all the charm of a virus? As a business model, a self-propagating OS is a non-starter if it can’t be contained. How do you sell or monetize something everyone already has before they even know they want it?

Now that we’ve laughed at the absurdity, let’s dive into the future of AI when it comes to tech hiring: the good, the bad, and the scary.

The Good

AI Code Generation Doesn’t Spell the End for Software Engineers

First things first, let’s squash the biggest myth: AI is here to replace software engineers. Nope! AI code generation tools like GitHub and Copilot are here to make life easier for engineers, not steal their jobs. Think of them as your new coding buddy who never sleeps.
These tools can autocomplete your code, suggest improvements, and even help debug. It’s like having an extra set of eyes that never misses a typo. Coding is just a part of what I do as a software engineer. It’s how they formalize and capture a solution to a problem, so a machine can execute it. Code is the manifestation of ideas and the concepts involved. But so are the designs, architecture, user stories, proposals, documentation, testing, choice of infrastructure, etc. So software engineering has never just been about code or coding.

Engineers also spend a huge amount of an engineer’s time is figuring out what other people — potential users — want from that piece of software. Which takes a lot of creativity on the humans’ part something that AI lacks at this point. That is one of the main reason why AI will not be replacing engineers’ jobs anytime soon over even in the next decade in my opinion. Engineers can now focus more on creative problem-solving which I just mentioned while AI handles the grunt work. More time for coffee breaks and brainstorming sessions!

Enhanced Human Performance

AI is like a personal assistant on steroids when it comes to recruitment. Imagine sifting through thousands of resumes in seconds or finding the perfect candidate match without the hassle. Tools driven by AI can handle these tasks, making the recruitment process faster and more efficient.

But wait, there’s more! AI can help reduce unconscious bias in hiring. By focusing on skills and experience rather than names or backgrounds, AI promotes a more diverse and inclusive workplace. So, AI not only speeds things up but also helps us make fairer decisions. Win-win!

Impact on Technical Recruiters

AI isn’t just a boon for engineers; it’s also transforming the role of technical recruiters. With AI-powered tools, recruiters can automate mundane tasks like resume screening and initial candidate outreach. This means more time for recruiters to focus on building relationships and understanding the unique needs of their clients and candidates.
Furthermore, AI can provide recruiters with deeper insights into candidate pools, highlighting trends and potential matches that might have been overlooked. This enhanced capability allows recruiters to be more strategic and effective in their efforts, ultimately leading to better hiring outcomes.

The Bad

Artificial Intelligence Influencing Our Decision-Making

Now, let’s talk about the not-so-great side. Over-relying on AI for hiring decisions can be risky. While AI is fantastic at analyzing data, it lacks the human touch. There are nuances in human judgment that AI just can’t replicate—yet.

Imagine a scenario where an AI system overlooks a brilliant candidate because their experience doesn’t perfectly match a keyword algorithm. This is why human oversight is crucial. AI should assist, not replace, human judgment in hiring.

Ethical Considerations and Workforce Implications

AI isn’t without its ethical dilemmas. Data privacy is a biggie. How comfortable are we with AI analyzing personal information? There’s also the risk of AI reinforcing existing biases. If an AI system is trained on biased data, it can perpetuate those biases in its decisions.

The implications for workforce diversity are significant. If not managed correctly, AI could hinder efforts to create a diverse and inclusive workplace. Companies need to implement strict ethical guidelines and ensure their AI systems are transparent and fair.

Impact on Technical Recruiters

For technical recruiters, the reliance on AI can be a double-edged sword. While AI can handle repetitive tasks, there’s a risk of recruiters becoming too dependent on these systems, potentially overlooking valuable human insights. This could lead to missing out on top talent who don’t fit the typical algorithmic mold.

Moreover, ethical considerations around data privacy and bias in AI systems can reflect poorly on recruiters if not adequately addressed. Recruiters must remain vigilant and ensure that AI tools are used responsibly, maintaining the balance between efficiency and human touch.

The Scary

Job Security

Now, for the part that keeps many of us up at night—job security. The fear of AI taking over jobs is real. Certain roles, especially those involving repetitive tasks, are more vulnerable to automation.

However, it’s not all doom and gloom (Like the movie “The Terminator”.) While some jobs may become obsolete, new roles will emerge. The key is continuous learning and adaptation. Upskilling and reskilling will be essential to stay relevant in this AI-driven landscape. Remember, change isn’t always bad—it can lead to exciting new opportunities!

Impact on Technical Recruiters

Job security concerns extend to technical recruiters as well. With AI taking over many administrative and initial screening tasks, recruiters might worry about their roles becoming redundant. However, the human element in recruitment—building relationships, understanding client needs, and assessing cultural fit—remains irreplaceable.

Recruiters who embrace AI as a tool to enhance their capabilities rather than a threat will thrive. By focusing on areas where human insight is crucial, they can stay relevant and valuable in the evolving landscape. Continuous learning and adapting to new technologies will be key to maintaining job security.

Balancing the Pros and Cons

So, how do we make the most of AI while keeping the risks in check? Companies need to leverage AI to enhance human capabilities, not replace them. Ethical AI practices, transparent decision-making, and continuous education are crucial.

Investing in employee development and fostering a culture of lifelong learning will prepare the workforce for an AI-driven future. It’s all about balance—embracing the benefits of AI while mitigating the risks.


To wrap it up, AI is reshaping the future of tech hiring, bringing both opportunities and challenges. We’ve explored how AI can be a fantastic tool for enhancing productivity and promoting fairness, but also highlighted the risks of over-reliance, ethical concerns, and job security fears.

The key takeaway? AI should be seen as a powerful assistant, not a replacement for human ingenuity and judgment. Embrace the technology, stay informed, and be proactive in addressing the challenges it brings. Let’s use AI to enhance our abilities and create a better, more inclusive workplace.

Now, it’s your turn! Share your thoughts on AI in tech hiring in the comments below. How do you see AI shaping the future of recruitment? What steps are you taking to prepare? Let’s keep the conversation going!

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