
Why You Should Attend SourceCon in February by @steverath

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Jan 22, 2014

Let me share a little secret with you… back in the summer of 2007, I was asked to attend the very first SourceCon in Atlanta, GA, and my response – WHY???  In fact, I did not attend for the first two years.  Excuses, sure, plenty of them  – too busy, too much work, no time, can’t afford it, bad timing, and coupled with complacency… Looking back now, what was I thinking? Honestly, what was I thinking???

I suppose the old adage, how can you miss something if you never experienced it, is very true in this situation.  And yes, I still get razzed by some of the original attendees (you know who you are)!

As I reflect on the SourceCon’s past and the upcoming event this February, I am still very humbled by the collection of talented sourcers and recruiters who make the trek, not only across the United States, but Canada, Mexico and other areas of the world, to contribute to the Sourcecon experience.  The collection of like-minded individuals possessing various levels of sourcing and recruiting experiences, expertise, passion, not to mention their willingness to share those experiences, is astounding.

Sourcecon has evolved over the years, but has strived to maintain its core initiatives; teaching, sharing, challenging, and networking. They provide a no holds barred philosophy of ensuring attendees walk away with the most current and powerful sourcing strategies, techniques, metrics, and trends available, all presented by the thought leaders of our industry.

For those new to Sourcecon, the information presented is divided into tracks. The keynote and featured speakers present in the mornings, while the afternoons are filled with three tracks, Leadership, Fundamentals, and Sourcing Labs, which all run simultaneously. Lots of information is flowing during the two day conference!  And if your head isn’t spinning after the first day, then there’s SourceCon After Dark, for the hardcore sourcers at heart, to share tips, tricks, and hacks. Participate or just observe; it’s up to you, so bring your laptop, tablet, preferred connected device, and catch a second wind of sourcing! SourceCon After Dark is also a place to kick back, relax, and digest that first full day of high-impact information.  In other words, it’s a great opportunity to get to know your fellow sourcers and network, catching up with old friends while meeting and making new ones (my personal favorite).

What exactly is the SourceCon experience?  It’s all of the above. It’s the excitement of the knowledge you’ll receive and the like-minded passionate people you’ll meet. It’s what will keep you coming back for more, and in turn, help take your career to the next level.

So why should you attend Sourcecon in Atlanta this February?  If you’re still unsure, then connect with me on LinkedIn and I’ll be happy to provide additional commentary.  For me, personally, it was one of the best decisions for my career and I made some great friendships along the way.