The holidays are just around the corner. Many people in the United States will take time off just before Christmas until the first week in January. As a sales recruiter, I always see a big rush for people to close out their year-end quotas. For the most part, corporate recruiting is pretty quiet.
It shouldn’t be quiet.
For recruiters, these next two weeks can be huge. As 2015 is just around the corner, so are new budgets, goals, and expectations. Managers will open the floodgates and requisitions will come very fast. If a pipeline is not in place, it can be a very stressful time of year.
Managers have already started planning their headcount or the 2015 calendar year. As recruiters and sourcers, it’s imperative that we have excellent communication with our hiring managers. We need to know what is on their mind and what their goals are in 2015. We need to be advisors and help them plan for meeting their hiring objectives. When we have a good understanding of their business, we are better able to prepare for the following year. The better prepared we are, the better the outcome will be for hiring.
It can also be a great time to catch up with candidates over the holidays. Many people are off work. Candidates have the time to talk when they otherwise would not. If candidates are considering a change, it’s a great time of year to catch their attention. Personally, I have found some of my better hires during the holiday season. While it is important to spend time with family and friends and have a little R&R, it’s also a great time to get ahead of the game.
Sometimes more can be done while it is quiet. There are fewer distractions.
So, think about it. Think ahead now. If you don’t have a whole lot on your agenda for the holidays, it may be well spent working.
After all, ‘tis the season to be sourcing!